Florist Nuage

011-81-76 -225-8717

chuuoudoorimachi 14-6 kanazawa jp

Flower Gift


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Flower  Gift


We suggest bouquets centered around the Champetre style, which uses the Parisian-style bouquet rond as a base with seasonal flowers arranged lavishly around it.

In order to showcase the natural beauty of the flowers, we forego the use of cellophane and use only paper in our floral wrapping.

Floral Arrangements

Our floral arrangements are based on the imagery of a round cake.

They are suitable gifts for congratulatory celebrations, recital performances and birthdays, because they are light and easy to carry.

As a gift, they will add joy to any occasion.

In addition, we also create flower stands for grand openings and large floral arrangements.

Potted Plants   

We can also prepare potted plants in seasonal beds for congratulatory purposes.

We offer decorative plants that are unique in shape and color for home use.

We especially pay attention to the colors and quality of the works for congratulatory purposes.

Long lasting and new congratulatory moth orchids can also be made available.

General Goods

We feature mainly general lifestyle goods made in France. In addition, we also have lifestyle goods and floral vases made in Europe. Unlike Japanese goods, goods made in France vary in forms. Even the same products may vary and have their own distinct feel.

The Europeans have a culture of cherishing their things for a long time and it is believed to have led to the development of antiques.


At Nuage, we handle such long-cherished pieces of goods and vases.

Flower arrangement




    • flower arrange. . . ¥3000~

    • bouquet . . . ¥2000~

    • wedding bouquet . . . ¥20000~

    • gift plants(orchid). . . ¥10000~

    • plants . . . ¥1000~

    • flower stand . . . ¥10000~

Shop Date

chuodoorimati14-6 kanazawa ishikawa japan
regular holiday::